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Help Patricia raise money

For participating in Headache on the Hill

My Story…

Hello, my name is Trisha and I suffer from daily headaches and weekly migraines since I was around 13 years old and I'm now 41. I've been lucky to have great doctors. To this day it's still a trial and error with no cure. I have learned to live with a constant headache but getting one or two migraines a week is the best outcome I've had in years and that's sad.  I have many health issues but my "invisible" diseases are the hardest to understand and its time Congress starts educating themselves on this invisible disease. It's time everyone educates themselves on Migraines and Headaches. Just because you can't see the pain and damage being caused doesn't mean its not real and it doesn't mean the pain isn't real.  It's time for Congress to take Action on Migraines and Headaches!

Donate to help Patricia raise money for Headache on the Hill’s fundraising campaign.