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Help Azia raise money

For participating in 2022 pride & remembrance run

My Story…

I’m feeling really excited about participating in the pride & remembrance run for many reasons.  

I started getting back into running again about 9 months ago, and this will be the first race I’ve run since blowing out my knee over 5 years ago – this is a big deal for my achy breaky body, since my physical therapist said I probably couldn’t run ever again and I was once told I’d likely be in a wheelchair by 30! 

I’ve been leaning into my community more and have been running with the Queer Run Club (instead of running alone like I used to – this feels fancy!). Beyond just running, I’m also participating in pride by being on the advisory board for one of the community spaces, which feels nice after a tough deliberation of not accepting a full time job with Pride last year.

The funds go toward some amazing organizations but two mean quite a lot to me;

One being ACT (Aids Committee of Toronto), who not only hired me when I was 16 years old as a photographer, but also works to reduce new HIV infections in Toronto and promotes the independence, dignity, health and well-being of people living with HIV and AIDS and those at increased risk of HIV. A very close and important friend of mine who lives with HIV has been doing, and making incredible strides not only in Canada, but also in the US in ending stigma, promoting acceptance, and raising funds in a myriad of ways, and I would love to be able to support them and their phenomenal work. 

The other being Rainbow Railroad. With the state of the world somehow rolling backwards in a lot of places, existing as ourselves can be really terrifying. I’m lucky to live in Canada, and while I sometimes live in fear, I don’t have to be afraid for my life in a way many others are. Rainbow Railroad have been helping people and giving them the opportunity to be their full authentic selves, in safety. Rainbow is run solely on independent donations and receives no funding from government bodies, so every dollar and cent makes a world of difference between life and death for people fleeing persecution in their homelands.

I really appreciate your contributions!


Hi friends!

I’m participating in the pride & remembrance run, and I’m so excited to run with pride! 

I need your support, as the run is raising funds for 6 incredible non-profit organizations that are doing amazing work in the 2SLGBTQ+ community. The beneficiaries for this year’s run are: AIDS Committee of Toronto, Fife House, Gilbert Centre, HQ Toronto, Rainbow Railroad, and the Pride and Remembrance Foundation.

It’s fast and easy to donate, and tax receipts will be issued for every gift over $20. Every donation matters, as we try to reach our goal of raising $250,000 this year! The projects and initiatives that these non-profits are developing will make a difference to so many members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, and I would be so grateful for your donation.

Thanks again for your support as we have another fun, fast and fab! run this summer!



Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 10 Anonymous $52.83
May 10 Adrien 🏃‍♀️🏳️‍🌈 $79.24
Apr 29 Jess fortin Run lady run! Love you! Happy to support <3 $52.83
Apr 29 Nicole V Undisclosed amount
Apr 29 Amber Munro Happy Pride! 🌈 $52.83
Apr 29 Janella Rooting for you!! $52.83