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Help us raise money

For participating in 2022 pride & remembrance run

Our story…

Queer Run Club is going to run/walk together at the Pride & Remembrance Run on June 25, 2022 for the first time! Last year a number of our members were participating individually and since QRC was created last Aug, it's going to feel so special to come together.

We have a goal of raising $5000 for the event and would love all of your support. It doesn't matter whether you're donating $5, $25, $100, any amount is much appreciated by this group.

Visit for more information about the community charities who receive the charitable pledges this year. 

Find us at @queerrunclub on IG.


Hi friends!

I’m participating in the pride & remembrance run, and I’m so excited to run with pride! 

I need your support, as the run is raising funds for 6 incredible non-profit organizations that are doing amazing work in the 2SLGBTQ+ community. The beneficiaries for this year’s run are: AIDS Committee of Toronto, Fife House, Gilbert Centre, HQ Toronto, Rainbow Railroad, and the Pride and Remembrance Foundation.

It’s fast and easy to donate, and tax receipts will be issued for every gift over $20. Every donation matters, as we try to reach our goal of raising $250,000 this year! The projects and initiatives that these non-profits are developing will make a difference to so many members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, and I would be so grateful for your donation

Thanks again for your support as we have another fun, fast and fab! run this summer!


Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 10 Cama Hadzi You can do it. $26.41
Jun 10 Marcel Zierfuss Wonderful initiative and so happy to support you MK! Undisclosed amount
Jun 10 Anonymous What an amazing community you created here, MK. So proud of you. May the wind be always at your back. Undisclosed amount
Jun 10 Anonymous $79.24
Jun 10 Shannon Prear Run girl run ❤️ $26.41
Jun 10 Jesse Better run the whole thing! $132.06
Jun 10 Candace I hope you have a great run. Love you lots! $25.00
Jun 10 Chris $50.00
Jun 09 Hilary $52.83
Jun 09 Saira Jawaid $25.00