The awards ceremony will begin around 10am (or when the last finisher crosses). Remember this event is a time trial start which means the order people cross the finish line is not necessarily the order they placed. So it’s important we have almost all the participants in before we begin the ceremony, especially considering race day registrations who begin at the end.
Awards will be given to:
- Top 3 Overall M/F
- Top 3 Masters Overall M/F
- Top 3 Age Groups M/F: 19 & Under | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+
- Top 3 Clydesdales Men 220lbs+
- Top 3 Athenas Women 165lbs+
- Top 3 Novice M/F
- Top 3 Relay Teams
- Top 3 Aquabike M/F