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Help Belinda raise money

For participating in Run for the Troops 5K

My Story…

My friend, Alan, was the best!  He was happy, helpful, and encouraging!  He asked me if I would run the Boston Marathon with him, and I said, Sure, if you can get us a number (thinking it would NEVER happen! And, of course, he got us those numbers through Lazarus House and he and I trained together and ran our first Boston Marathon together! Unfortunately, Alan went to be with the Lord far too soon for us, but probably just on time for him. Alan was a big supporter of Run for the Troops and it is my honor to run as part of his team! I would greatly appreciate any amount you can donate to help support the memory of my good friend and the help raise money for Homes for Our Troops who build and adapt homes for disabled veterans.

Donate to help Belinda raise money for Run for the Troops 5K’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 30 Jan In honor of Chuck, who served $107.35
Sep 29 Ryan Winters Wonderful cause and tribute to your friend. Love you, Auntie! $27.48