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Help Ali raise money

For participating in Cere-Bration @Nara Park

My Story…

From a wheelchair to walking and from nonverbal to public speaking,  overcoming a traumatic brain injury has been quite a journey! One of the biggest blessings has been the amazing support and people along the way. I am grateful for everything BIA-MA has done, and continues to do to help: support groups, events, relationships, resources, and more. Your  donation helps me have opportunities to grow professionally, to have support emotionally, and to, well, have fun!! Thank you for your contribution!

Donate to help Ali raise money for Cere-Bration @Nara Park’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 17 The Redferns You rock Ali!!! $100.00
Sep 15 Therese You are an inspiration- keep fighting Ali. $50.00
Sep 01 Kimberly Martinelli You are truly an inspiration to so many Ali❣️ $54.10
Aug 29 Elisa Figueroa You are such an encouragement to me Ali! Happy I could help <3 Undisclosed amount
Aug 28 Anonymous Happy to support a very worthwhile organization! Undisclosed amount
Aug 25 Andrew & Alyson Proud to support you Ali! $54.10
Aug 20 Sue Fleuette So happy to join your team for this cerebration! $107.35
Aug 13 Reboot Restore Relive $27.48