My Story…
Lots of money and attention go toward educating the public about prevention and early detection of breast cancer, which are laudable goals. One in eight women will get breast cancer -- in my family, 2 out of my 5 sisters have heard the words "you have breast cancer" - with no family history!
For those who have already had breast cancer, there is a 1 in 3 chance it will return, and they will be diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer - which has no cure. Yet, so little money is designated to research how to prevent the reoccurrence and metastasis of breast cancer. LET'S CHANGE THIS!
This run supports METAvivor, an organization that works diligently to raise funds for research because this is how lives will be saved. 100% of every donation goes into research grants. METAvivor is the only organization in the US that exclusively funds MBC research.
I do this event in memory of my dear friend Karen who died of MBC far too early, and because i don't want my sisters, my daughters, my nieces or any woman anywhere, to hear those words "you have breast cancer" again.
Donate to help Susan raise money for #LightUpMBC Western Pennsylvania Fun Run’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Oct 04 | Dave and Sharon Rich | $27.48 |
Sep 08 | Roberta Seneca | $54.10 |