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Help Jill raise money

For participating in RUN FOR YOUR RIGHTS

My Story

We shouldn't be running 5Ks to protect abortion rights and access, but here we are. Abortion is health care. Abortion saves lives. Abortion is not anti-adoption. Abortion is not anti-disability justice. All kinds of people need abortions. Send a few $$$ to Pro-Choice Minnesota. They are on the ground helping people access abortion, which is especially urgent now that abortion is either unavailable or under siege in our bordering states. Minnesota must remain a safe haven. A lot of people are counting on us. 


Donate to help me raise money for Pro-Choice Minnesota!

PCM is the state's oldest abortion protector, and your donations help support their: 

  • electoral work to support pro-choice champions
  • lobbying efforts at the Capitol
  • campus organizers on colleges across the state
  • clinic escorts present at EVERY independent abortion clinic in Minnesota
  • collaboration with other like-minded organizations
  • rallies and protests to show the world that our community proudly supports abortion access


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 21 Sonia Reit Prof Locke, what a treat to see you on the leader board! -Sonia Brummer GAC class of '05 $27.48
Oct 16 Sandy and Eric $54.10
Oct 16 Anonymous 1k = $1 Go get ‘em! Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 The Kelen Family So happy to support you Jill, and such an important cause - this is the race you were meant to run ;)!! $54.10
Oct 15 Laurie Hahn Ganser $54.10
Oct 15 Julie Dolan $107.35
Oct 12 Colleen Daly Go Jill! $107.35
Oct 09 Diane D. $54.10
Oct 08 Kate Wittenstein & Greg Kaster $54.10
Oct 07 Deb Klein $54.10