My Story…
Hi! This will be my first half marathon back since my diagnosis. In 2021 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. (Always get your Mammos and check yourself monthly; immediately see you doctor if you notice any changes, lumps, or bumps. I did just this, and am alive today to share my story.)
Four surgeries, dose dense chemotherapy, and radiation attacked the cancer that decided to use my body as a place to reside. I was blessed with an amazing care team, strong support from friends and family, and a network of people I never knew even existed. One of these gems is the TRIUMPH CANCER FOUNDATION. This foundation allows people to find a piece of themselves that may have been lost due to cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Exercise is a way to combat the constant fatigue and mental health struggles that come with cancer diagnosis and treatment. I am so thankful for everything Triumph did for me in my cancer journey and I will continue to support them throughout the years. I run because I can and in memory of those who can't.
Cancer touches WAY TO MANY lives. If you are willing and able to support this amazing foundation I ask that you give a donation in honor of someone you know who was affected by the beast I call cancer.
Thank you!
Donate to help Alexis raise money for 2023 Shamrock'n Weekend’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Mar 13 | Alexis Tepolt | $27.48 |
Mar 11 | Nicole Luna | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 11 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Feb 17 | Katie Togneri | Undisclosed amount |
Feb 11 | Lisa Banuelos | Undisclosed amount |
Feb 07 | Cassandra Wittmann | Undisclosed amount |
Feb 05 | Frances Tepolt | Undisclosed amount |
Feb 01 | The Rocheleau Family | $107.35 |
Feb 01 | Amy Filan | Undisclosed amount |
Feb 01 | Tina Hernandez-Berry | Undisclosed amount |