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Help Amanda raise money

For participating in 2023 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…

This is a cause close to my heart. I couldn't imagine anything worse than having a child suffering a terminal illness. Anything I can do to help support the families going through this and help the child have the best life possible I will do! I run for them ❤


I'm fundraising for Canuck Place! Please join me in giving short lives the gift of great days. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 07 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 06 Emma Drouin $75.00
May 03 PRH Admitting/Switchboard $45.00
May 02 Isabel Montes $20.00
Apr 28 Maddie Schindel $27.60
Apr 28 Danielle Gleason $25.00
Apr 12 Mary - Penticton Undisclosed amount
Mar 23 Debbie Harrett You're doing an amazing thing Amanda! Good luck with everything. $54.31
Mar 23 Marianne Lund Good for you, doing this Amanda. I wish you all the best for a great run that day. Undisclosed amount
Mar 18 Alex Mackay $54.31