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Help Daniel raise money

For participating in 2023 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…

I run the Vancouver marathon on May 7! I signed up back in January for a challenge and to get myself to start running consistently. If you want to donate that would be awesome, but even a good luck message will be just as good!

I chose the Canuck Place Children's Hospice for the donation recipient because kids don't deserve to be going through hard stuff like that, they should be being a kid like everyone else.


I'm fundraising for Canuck Place! Please join me in giving short lives the gift of great days. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 06 Mom and Dad So proud of you! Good luck and take it easy XOXO $107.72
Apr 22 Grammie & Papa Do well and as always we will be proud. $107.72
Apr 21 AP Go Daniel Go!! Xoxo $54.31
Apr 21 Colette Plourde Way to go Daniel! šŸ˜˜ $32.94
Apr 21 Nicole and Mamie Donation from both of us. Bonne cours! Xox Undisclosed amount
Apr 19 Tay Go Daniel Go!! $27.60
Apr 17 Kris Good work, now I know why you keep practicing "on your left" $27.60
Apr 17 Greg Good luck Danielle! $27.60
Apr 17 Peter Judd Way to go Dan! $27.60
Apr 16 Nick and Nicky Good work and good luck! $27.60