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Help Robyn raise money

For participating in 2023 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…

Recently, Connor and I received news that two people very very near and dear to our hearts were going to have to fight the extremely unfair fight of breast cancer. We want to show them as much love and support as we possibly can along the way. We have decided to run in the BMO Half Marathon in May to raise funds towards the BC Cancer foundation. All the money raised will be in honor of them. Help us show them how much love and support they truly have by their sides! They are going to kick cancers butt!


At the BC Cancer Foundation we believe that with your help BC CAN make a difference in the lives of all British Columbians. We know that one in two people in our province will face cancer in their lifetime and we’re igniting progress to break down cancer, piece by piece, in the labs and clinics. 

Your generous donations fund crucial advancements in cancer research and care at BC Cancer, helping save lives of British Columbians. By working with community fundraising champions like you, who believe that investments in science and innovations in care can make a significant difference for British Columbians, we are confident that BC CAN change the outcome for each person facing this disease.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 17 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 30 Mark & Doris Super proud of both of you and A.S. is deeply touched at your lovely gesture. Love you guys ♥️ $107.72
Apr 20 Lauren Tietze $27.60
Mar 16 Carole and Graham Bennett Love that you are doing this❤️ $54.31
Mar 16 Maureen & Bob Merchant $54.31
Mar 16 Frano family Way to go guys!! $22.26
Mar 16 Jennifer Taylor $100.00
Mar 16 Roger and Linda Way to go Team Zacks! Such a worthy cause, especially when it hits home. Challenging all other relies to step up…🥰 $107.72
Mar 16 Griff $27.60