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Help Daneen raise money

For participating in Philadelphia Marathon Weekend

My Story…

As many of you know, my Dad, Frank Marchiano, has been battling prostate cancer since 2012.  He has faced nothing short of an uphill battle, but has never faltered in his determination to make the best out of this terrible situation.  Dad has always said, "If one less child in this world has cancer because I have cancer, then I am ok with it being me."  The selflessness of my father is beyond measure.  While the battle is raging and the side effects of years of treatments are worse than ever, my Dad constantly reminds me that things will get better someday.  

What many of you may not know is my Mom, Kathy Marchiano, is 27  years CANCER FREE (Lung Cancer-Nonsmoker).  Mom was diagnosed when my little brother was 7 years old and was given a 20 percent chance to survive 5 years.  Mom's incredible steadfast faith is what has gotten her and ALL of us this far.  She is by my dad's side, through every challenge this ugly disease presents, all while maintaining her incredible strength for everyone of us.

It is MY greatest honor to run for my parents, and continue to fight for my incredible Dad.  I made a promise to my Dad the day he was diagnosed that I would keep on fightin' and I haven't let any injury along the way deter me from that promise.  I will continue to keep racing for my dad as long as my body keeps going.

In addition, this year, a very special person who is a old time, dear friend to my father and all of us needs special prayers.  He begins to face a new battle with cancer.  I promised him and his family he will always have my prayers and my love. As his family has always been incredibly supportive of us, I am determined to run in his honor, along with honoring my mom and dad, as I always will, in this year's race.  

My nephew, Jace will be running in the Nemours Children's Run and Danielle will join me in the Dietz and Watson Half Marathon.  As you know, last year, Danielle and I ran in our first Full Marathon, which we strolled down Main Street in Manayunk to  find our biggest support system right there at the turn around, cheering us on.  It was an incredible experience, humbling to say the least, and will remain etched in my mind forever.  When we finished the race, my father, Frank, ended up in the Penn ER from yet another infection from the brutal effects of cancer.  2023 has brought months of surgeries, infections, and longterm hospitalizations.  It's been nothing short of an uphill battle, but my dad continues to fight like hell.

We were overwhelmed by the tremendous support we recieved last year, emotionally and financially.  Jace, Danielle and I were able to raise almost $8,000.00 and recieved the Top Team Fundraiser for small teams in 2022.  We know your support for us has helped the American Association for Cancer Research to continue their mission.  We are humbled, and truly astonished by your support.  We sincerely appreciate every kind word, every donation recieved, and we cannot thank you enough.    

As Jace always says "Fightin' for PoPi,"  I will continue "Fightin' for Frank" and all of our family, friends and others with this disease.

With Love & Gratitude,

Daneen Marchiano

#FightinforFrank  #FightinforPoPi #Runners4Research  #AACR

Donate to help Daneen raise money for Philadelphia Marathon Weekend’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 16 Customers of Marchiano’s Bakery $500.00