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Help Kristen raise money

For participating in Run Across Georgia 2023

My Story…

This will 100% be my last go at running RAG! Help me to raise my goal this last time for House of Hero's and Mercy Med! 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 29 Tate Frankel $25.00
May 27 Kenedi & Everly We love you Aunt Kristen! Everly says good job “maaahh” ♥️💪🏼👍 $20.00
May 27 Kaitlin Thornal So happy to see you crushing it!! $25.00
May 27 Anonymous Crushing it 🔥 Undisclosed amount
May 27 Bruners Y’all are doing so amazing!!!!! Proud of y’all! $25.00
May 27 Tasia Culley Go mama! Undisclosed amount
May 19 Dumas Fam Go rock your last one mama!! $25.00
May 19 Katie Griffith You’re amazing!! 🏃‍♀️ $15.00
Apr 26 Megan Guthrie Nothin to it but to do it! $5.00