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Help DOUGLAS raise money

For participating in 2023 Cleveland Marathon

My Story…

I know many of you know how closely childhood brain cancer has touched my life and that I can't let it go. Many of you know that I have done the full marathon for kids and the families fighting against childhood brain cancer for years. Many of you know that last year, without warning, I had some critical health issues of my own and was unable to run to say the least.

Well guess what!?!?! I may only be doing the half marathon this year, but help me show these kids and their families just how important they are to me! Whether I ever meet them or not, I want these kids to have a chance, and we can help give them that chance! Please! Donate today so that the research for childhood brain cancer can dig deeper into finding a cure, or at least a treatment for these kids! Help me help them get the chance that they deserve!


At Prayers From Maria we believe in hope. Our seed funding supports critical cancer research for kids, delivering more targeted, lifesaving treatments. 

Plant the Seeds. Grow the Movement. Let's End Childhood Brain Cancer!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 20 Anonymous Go Doug!! I believe in you and this cause! Undisclosed amount
May 02 Kristy Bednar $27.68
Apr 22 Michele Gregory $54.43
Apr 21 Kellie and Randy Turner $27.68
Apr 16 Tracey O. Share the love $27.68
Apr 14 Patti Undisclosed amount
Apr 12 James and Mary Ann Smith $643.04
Apr 11 Anonymous Kids all deserve a chance at a normal life and we would like to help them get one! Undisclosed amount