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Help Spencer raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2023

My Story…

This year, I am taking on a big healthy challenge to keep fit and raise funds for me and a beautiful black horse named Molly (aka Just a Jolly Molly) to go to Pony Club Camp August 6-11, 2023. Molly is 25 years old and is still an amazing athlete! I am lucky to be helping to take care of her and give her wonderful things to do in her elder years! The funds we raise will go directly to paying for Molly's trailering costs and our lesson costs during camp week. If there is any extra, it can help cover our food/meal costs. I will live in a tent all camp week, and Molly will live in a paddock nearby. I will take care of her everyday and make sure she stays safe at camp. It will be a fun learning experience for both of us! Thank you, in advance, for your support!

Spencer and Molly

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 25 Auntie Heather Happy to support you and Bromley, Spencer! Have a fun camp! $10.00
May 24 Lesley Causton (UK Aunt) and Florence Causton (UK Grandma) Grandma Causton and Auntie Lesley Causton are wishing you a fun-filled pony club camp, Spencer! $200.00
Apr 10 Frank and Keri Happy to donate to your hard work to get to Pony Club Camp, Spencer! $25.00
Apr 03 Sandy & Rita Good luck Spencer. $27.60
Mar 26 Auntie Jane Good Luck Spencer $27.60
Mar 25 Candy Gubbels Good Luck Spencer! $54.31
Mar 25 Stephanie Dumont Way to go Spencer and Bromley - have fun at the camp this summer!! $27.60
Mar 24 Dad Hay really...this money will buy some hay... $32.94
Mar 23 Alison Gibson Spencer, We’re all so proud of what you are doing with Molly and the other horses 🐎 you are making a big difference . Love Auntie Alison $27.60
Mar 22 Elizabeth BGLZ Norona Spencer what a great story,i am so proud of you, have a great week and i know you will have fun, love Granma xx $54.31