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Help Bromley raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2023

My Story…

My project pony, Mango (aka Mango Tango), and I are driven to make our way to Pony Club Camp this summer August 6-11, 2023. It will be a fantastic opportunity for both of us to grow and learn together in a fun atmosphere with other barn members and their horses. I am dedicated to run 21.1 kms between May 28-June 28, 2023 to help support our trip. All donations received for my efforts will go towards paying for Mango's trailering to and from camp and all riding lessons during camp week (jumping, dressage and cross country). Any additional funds raised will go towards our food/meals and stabling. I will be camping on-site and taking care of Mango at all times when not riding. It will be an incredible experience for both of us, and we will both be pleasantly exhausted by the end! I thank you, in advance, for all your support!

Bromley & Mango

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 25 Auntie Heather Happy to support you and Spencer, Bromley. Have fun at camp! $10.00
May 24 Lesley Causton (UK Aunt) and Florence Causton (UK Grandma) Hope you have a fun-filled pony club camp with Mango Tango, Bromley. Love Grandma Causton and Auntie Lesley! $200.00
Apr 10 Frank and Keri Happy to donate to your hard work to get you to Pony Camp, Bromley! $25.00
Apr 03 Sandy & Rita Good luck Bromley $27.60
Mar 26 Auntie Jane Good Luck Bromley $27.60
Mar 25 Candy Gubbels Good luck Bromley! $54.31
Mar 24 Dad Have fun... $32.94
Mar 23 Alison Gibson Wow! Bromley, you are just so amazing with all the 🐴 🐎 horses We are proud to have you take care of them with a little help from Auntie Ali $27.60
Mar 22 Elizabeth BGLZ Norona Bromley,how excieting is this,you are going to have so much fun,i wish i would be there. i am so proud of you,and wish you all the best. $54.31