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Aidez Azariah à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement La Fin de semaine des courses d'Ottawa Tamarack 2023


Why I'm Running...

Hi! My name is Azzi and this will be the fourth year that I am running (2km) during Ottawa Race Weekend. I like to run because I've been doing something similar with my school as part of a 'run day' activity every year (la course des ours!). I love how running makes me feel and I also like that I can do this and raise money for the Perley. 

All the money I raise this year will help with the care of the people at the Perley and I want to help with all of the work they do. My hope is that the money I raise will make the work and care at the Perley even better than it already is. 

Thank you for donating!


#honourandcare #PerleyHealthUnited / /

Faites un don pour soutenir Azariah et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement La Fin de semaine des courses d'Ottawa Tamarack 2023.

See Me Care!

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 19 The Ng Family Wonderful cause! Have a great run 🙂 Montant non divulgué
May 17 Dan and Réjeanne Go Azzi Go! Wishing you a great run. Dan and Réjeanne. 50,00 $
May 16 Anonyme 223,00 $
May 16 Karen Chow So proud of you for doing this for such a good cause. Thank you for caring Azzie! Montant non divulgué
May 15 The Pylon’s 100,00 $
May 15 Papa Go Azzi Go! 100,00 $