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Help us raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2023

Our story…

Running to help other, running get better, running so that other can get better! 

Courir pour aider les autres, courir donner le meilleur de soi, courir pour donner aux autres. 

For each 25$ or more donation I will dedicate a 10km run that I will perfrom prior to the half marathon and I will send you and a photo of the run and its stats. DO not forget to let me know where to send the proof my providing a method and the coordinates to send it to you.

Pour chaque don de 25$ et plus, Je Courrai un 10 km avant le mon Demi Marathon et je vous enverrai la photo du trajet et des statistiques. indiquer dans votre message comment je peux vous envoyer la photo :D

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 01 CEL Aerospace Run Greenwood, RUN!!! $54.63
Jan 05 Mathieu Boisvert So that others may heal and move on. $54.63