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Aidez-nous à recueillir des fonds

pour notre participation à l’événement La Fin de semaine des courses d'Ottawa Tamarack 2023


Notre histoire…

Team Holzman is back!

As you may know, 25 years ago our team was launched. We have raised over $350,000 to support cancer research at The Ottawa Hospital through the Ottawa Race Weekend and other initiatives.

This year, we’re getting the team back together after our family faced breast cancer once again. 


You can read our story here and learn more about why we’re ready to give back to The Ottawa Hospital. 

Make a difference by donating to our team and thank you for your support!

Membres de l’équipe

Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 26 Adam and Lauren Miller You are such an inspiration Becky! We love you guys! 100,00 $
May 26 Kiera Denault Keep the drive alive ! What an inspiration! 28,25 $
May 26 Véronique de Passillé 55,09 $
May 26 Allan and Marsha Maslove 55,09 $
May 26 The Eccles Family Thank you so much for doing this...Go Team Holzman Go!! 200,00 $
May 26 Daisy Way to go Ellyn!!! 269,78 $
May 26 David Gunn Montant non divulgué
May 26 Dan Coveduck Good Luck Colette, what a great cause! 108,76 $
May 26 Catherine D Armstrong 100,00 $
May 26 Annie Murphy & Menno Versteeg We love you so darn much. 1 000,00 $