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Alice House

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Alice House

Alice House provides opportunities for women, fem-identifying individuals, and their children to create a life free from intimate partner violence by offering safe second stage housing, counselling, and support services.

Our Rebuilding Lives Program offers therapeutic counselling, a prevention & education program, and advocacy services to women and children who have fled domestic or intimate partner violence. Using trauma-informed practices, our team follows a tiered structure to meet clients where they're at during their healing journey. Their time with Alice House is self-determined so they can realize their full potential. Our mandate isn’t solely focused on ensuring clients have a safe place to rest their head at night. It’s about giving them a safe place to do all that’s necessary to heal and transition into their next phase of life


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Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
May 20 Rose Cotter 33,22 $
May 19 Rajkanwar Chopra Great Cause 5,00 $
May 18 Katie Carter 27,85 $
May 17 Vaishnavi 5,00 $
May 17 Commercial Analytics A-Team Good luck and have fun! 27,85 $
May 17 Commercial Analytics A-Team Good luck 27,85 $
May 15 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
May 11 Samantha Dwyer Thank you from a survivor of childhood domestic violence. Montant non divulgué
May 10 Erin Morley 27,85 $
May 10 Chris Gibson Love you! 54,72 $