Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Family SOS
Each week - thanks to your support - Family SOS provides:
- 400 hot lunches to students at Rockingstone Heights School
- 6 hours of after-school programming for 40 children and youth
- Supplementary food support for more than 100 families at the Community Market
- 3 Positive Parenting Group sessions
- 32 In-Home Parenting Support sessions
We can't do this without you. Funds raised support programs and services that have positively impacted children and families in the HRM for decades.
Visit our website at and find us on Instagram at @familysoshfx & on Facebook and Twitter at @familysos
Cliquez sur une équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.
Scotia Fuelers
Montant recueilli : 27,85 $
Family SOS
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Donateurs récents
Date | Nom | Montant |
May 30 | Celeste Bignell | 54,72 $ |
May 28 | Anonyme | Montant non divulgué |
May 19 | Jenn Jollymore | 54,72 $ |
May 18 | Paul & Linda | 54,72 $ |
May 16 | Erin VP | 54,72 $ |
May 16 | John and June Hale | 108,45 $ |
May 16 | M&L of the Saks | 108,45 $ |
May 16 | Nathalie | 22,47 $ |
May 16 | Momsy | Montant non divulgué |
May 12 | Tanya Tulipan | 54,72 $ |