Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia
The Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia is a registered charity that works to increase financial support to community initiatives throughout Nova Scotia while providing hope and eradicating the stigma around mental illness and addiction. Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of Nova Scotians by supporting mental health and addiction initiatives.
Cliquez sur une équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.
Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia
Montant recueilli : 4 638,92 $
Irving Shipbuilding - Scrambled Legs RC
Montant recueilli : 3 689,24 $
Irving Shipbuilding - Cirque Du Sore Legs
Montant recueilli : 1 240,42 $
Irving Shipbuilding - Matt’s Bannermen
Montant recueilli : 814,87 $
Team Cheaper Than Therapy
Montant recueilli : 424,02 $
McInnes Cooper
Montant recueilli : 345,74 $
ISI Project Engineering
Montant recueilli : 226,20 $
AXIS Accelerators
Montant recueilli : 27,85 $
Donateurs récents
Date | Nom | Montant |
May 29 | Jon Riis | 54,72 $ |
May 26 | Anonyme | 20,00 $ |
May 25 | Tina & Mike Garrah | 54,72 $ |
May 25 | ISI 5th Floor | 210,56 $ |
May 25 | ISI 5th Floor | 210,56 $ |
May 23 | Anonyme | Montant non divulgué |
May 22 | Brenda | 27,85 $ |
May 22 | Ms. Cochrane | 27,85 $ |
May 21 | Carol Boutilier | 54,72 $ |
May 21 | Erica Brufatto | 54,72 $ |