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Pathway to Progress Nicaragua

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Pathway to Progress Nicaragua

Pathway to Progress Nicaragua is dedicated to supporting an educational scholarship program for disadvantaged children in Managua, Nicaragua. We currently provide support for 90 children ranging in age from 6 to 17 and 33 graduates now attending university. We provide an opportunity for our students and their families to escape generational poverty by means of a top-quality education with holistic support embracing school costs, tutoring, medical and nutritional needs and on-staff social workers who form an integral part of the program. P2P Nicaragua invites all interested parties to contact us and join us in this exciting work!


Cliquez sur une équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Jul 14 Gerald & Darlene Burgess 108,45 $
May 28 Ken & Jo-Ann GO Greg GO! 27,85 $
May 25 Galyna Shevchenko 20,00 $
May 24 Michel Caron 20,00 $
May 22 Shalon McLachlan Great job! Montant non divulgué
May 22 MillerS Blessings! 22,47 $
May 20 Jeannette & Patrick 108,45 $
May 20 Norma Stewart run Donna run - good cause 27,85 $
May 20 Three Points Aviation 2 100,00 $
May 19 Sherry Miller Fantastic cause....good for you Donna.... 27,85 $