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Aidez-nous à recueillir des fonds

pour notre participation à l’événement Le Marathon Blue Nose Emera


Notre histoire…

In 2022 we lost a pillar of our Breaking the Silence (BTS) community when Wilf Bean, life partner of BTS founder Kathryn Anderson, passed away.  

In 2023 we now plan to honor his work and love of this event by dedicating all the moving parts to him.

This annual event has become an important fun!raiser for Breaking the Silence.   With your generous donation, our Maritime-Guatemalan network can continue to support the efforts of Guatemalans who struggle for political, social and economic justice.

100% of your donation will help us undertake essential activities related to advocacy and lobbying as well organize delegations, send interns, volunteers and human rights accompaniers.  We cannot do all of this without your help.

Please donate and maybe even consider joining us by walking or running the 10K on Sunday May 21, 2023 to reflect on the life work of Wilf Bean.

There is something about crossing a finish line that encourages us to do this year and year again.  



This annual event has become an a very important fun!raiser for Breaking the Silence (BTS).  With your generous donation, our Maritime-Guatemalan network can continue to support the efforts of Guatemalans who struggle for political, social and economic justice.

100% of your donation will help us undertake essential activities related to advocacy and lobbying as well organize delegations, send interns, volunteers and human rights accompaniers.  We cannot do all of this without your help.

There is something about crossing a finish line that encourages us to do this year and year again.  

Support a Silence Breaker today.

Thank you, merci, gracias.

Membres de l’équipe

Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Apr 10 Lydia Jenkinson Montant non divulgué
Apr 10 Louise Casselman Remembering a great friend and colleague Montant non divulgué
Apr 10 Helen & Wendell 54,72 $
Apr 10 Robin and David Wear your famous blue running raincoat! Montant non divulgué
Apr 10 Robin and David "Do I get to run with you?" -- (signed) Yer Dog. Montant non divulgué
Apr 10 Olga Gladkikh 108,45 $
Apr 09 Jessie MacInnis With love and gratitude for you Kathryn, and in memory of Wilf. Two pillars of social justice who I have long looked up to. 54,72 $
Apr 08 Susan Burns Now, more important than ever! cheering you all on especially Kathryn. Montant non divulgué
Apr 07 James Goldie 25,00 $
Apr 06 Val Croft With much love and respect for Wilf and encouragement for all BTSers! Go team! 54,72 $