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pour notre participation à l’événement Le Marathon Blue Nose Emera



We are excited to participate in the 2023 Emera Blue Nose Marathon with Team CF Canada! This event raises awareness and critical funds for cystic fibrosis (CF) research, advocacy and healthcare as we continue to #GoFurtherFor CF patients in Canada. 

Thanks to your generous support, Cystic Fibrosis Canada will continue to go further in their work. Further in accessing critical medicines, fueling innovative research, and ensuring care and support needed is available. Further until every Canadian living with CF can experience everything life has to offer – and enjoy everything life has to offer.

Together, in 2023, you can help us go further by making a donation or joining our team today!

Thank you in advance for your support.

Membres de l’équipe

Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 12 Kalene & Logan Have fun! Montant non divulgué
May 12 Donnie and Anne Good Luck Evelyn and have fun🙂 Montant non divulgué
Apr 26 Donna Dumville Good luck Evelyn! 20,00 $
Apr 24 Evelyn Bernard Wishing you all the Best Evelyn!! 27,85 $
Apr 24 Elaine Arsenault Go Evelyn Go! Montant non divulgué
Apr 24 Phyllis Profit Good luck Evelyn 20,00 $
Apr 24 Albert Bernard Go Evelyn!! Montant non divulgué
Apr 23 Florence Serviss Keep up the good work Stanley 27,85 $
Apr 23 Florence Serviss excellent that you are doing this again this year keep up the good work 54,72 $
Apr 22 Shirley Hutt Wonderful to see you doing this ! Good Luck with the event ! 54,72 $