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Help Betty raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Why I'm walking for social justice

In 2014, the Bank of Nova Scotia was organizing the Charities Marathon and for the first time I walked the 5 km.  with our team "Running for Refugees"  Now, it's 2023  and TCSToronto is organizing the Marathon and  our refugee committee is under the umbrella of Social Justice. 

October 15th is just one week away .  I am still planning to join my team  and  once again complete the 5km. walk. 

100% of supporting donations  for "Walk the Walk for Social Justice"   will be used to ....address hate, combat  racism, feed neighbours, provide respite care for parents, advocate against poverty, support refugee sponsors, support immigrants, advance reconciliation with indigenous peoples and help our global neighbours.

I invite you to make a difference, one step at a time,  by supporting me with a donation for "Walk the Walk for Social Justice" 


Donate to help me improve conditions so that everyone has equal access to wealth, opportunities, and social privileges. 

Donate to support social justice by supporting Islington United Church.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 31 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 Juanita Way to go, Mom! Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 Joan Malcolmson Undisclosed amount
Oct 14 Nora Sanders All the best Betty and all the team as you Walk the Walk! Undisclosed amount
Oct 12 Eileen Rice $27.80
Oct 11 Anonymous $27.80
Oct 11 Islington United Church All the very best on your walk on the 15 th! Undisclosed amount
Oct 10 Nancy Croome Undisclosed amount
Oct 10 Andy M. I'm glad to see you are zooming up Bay St. once again. Best of luck! $108.31
Oct 10 Hazel Nelson Undisclosed amount