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Help Mathilde raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

I am very excited to be running my FIRST ever Half Marathon this fall, and even more excited to be fundraising for a worthy cause - for the Anishnawbe Health Foundation. I will be fundraising and running alongside inspiring people in my YES Fam Runners team!

Donate to help Mathilde raise money for 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 13 Carolyn Woo! Have a fun run :) $161.98
Oct 12 Dez I'm so proud of you for doing this, amongst everything else. Undisclosed amount
Oct 11 Anonymous Wishing you the very best for a successful marathon Undisclosed amount
Oct 05 Excelsior Canada Thank you Mathilde for running for an important cause. We support you! $161.98
Sep 22 Julie $54.63
Sep 08 Anonymous Proud of you always! $27.80