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Help Neil raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

I haven't run a half marathon since 2018 and hoping that this will be more of a success.  I'm grateful that I can continue running and think of the children who can't.  Holland Bloorview is a wonderful place, helping children for many years.  Please support me and Holland Bloorview.


Welcome to my fundraising page. I am fundraising for Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. 

Donate to help me reach my goal!

We help kids with disabilities smile, laugh, learn and heal!

About Holland Bloorview:

Holland Bloorview is Canada’s largest children’s rehabilitation hospital and a fully affiliated teaching hospital with the University of Toronto.

We create a world of possibilities by supporting children and youth living with disability, medical complexity, illness and injury. More than 8,300 kids and youth come through our doors each year as inpatients and outpatients to receive innovative treatments, therapies and specialized programs and services.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 15 Zoey and Ralph You can do it!!! $108.31
Sep 29 rob apelowicz $54.63
Sep 29 Jodi Goldstein Great cause and good luck! $81.47
Sep 28 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 11 Neil Friedman $108.31