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Help Maya raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

My sister was diagnosed with a severe case of celiac at a young age, and I've watched her overcome and handle her diagnosis beautifully as she's grown over the years. It wasn't easy transitioning from being able to eat whatever she wanted to having extreme regulations regarding her diet. I remember, as a family, going to restaurants and having to bring food from home for her due to the cross-contamination in kitchens. I remember that this diagnosis wasn't just affecting her day-to-day physical life, but also came with a huge mental change. Celiac was the reason she was always so much shorter than her peers, something that wasn't easy for her.

And yet, even at such a young age, she persevered. No complaints. No tantrums. The mental strength she portrayed was outstanding. To this day she demonstrates it time and time again - whether it's when we're on holiday or just ordering takeout. Never once does she complain about what she can't have, and pushes the rest of our family to continue eating foods she can't have because we enjoy them.

Celiac disease brought our family closer together as we all learned to cook and adjust to a gluten-free kitchen and find ways around certain food barriers. And even then, my sister always wanted me to be able to eat what I want - hence our 'gluten cupboard'. Every time there's a gluten-free option or a gluten-free store somewhere, I take a picture and send it to her because I want her to have all the options she can.

She's healthy, intelligent and so emotionally strong - and she's the same height as me now and I'm 3 years older! She's someone I'll forever look up to, and an inspiration. And so, in return, I want to raise money for an association directly linked to her own personal journey as a symbol of my love to her. 

My sister is the best sister you could ask for, so this one is for you Niks <3. See you at the finish line :)


Over 100,000 people with celiac disease or gluten-related disorders rely on Celiac Canada every year, looking for support, education, advocacy help, and the latest information. We help people get access to safe, gluten-free food and a timely diagnosis. We're backed by a medical advisory council and we provide free education so our community can live longer, healthier lives. We're Canada's largest national charitable funder of celiac disease and gluten-disorder research. From the moment someone gets diagnosed, we support them every step of the way. We're all working towards a common goal: to help everyone with celiac disease or a gluten-related disorder get diagnosed and empowered to live their best life.

This year is our 50th birthday and our goal is to have 50 people participate in this event with us. You can help by joining us today.

Please contact if you need more information or support with your fundraiser. I'm happy to help.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 24 Sabrena, Gabby & Rhea So proud of you Maya. What beautiful message as well, touching and inspiring. $108.31
Jun 05 Anika (aka Niks) & Papa Mayaben I couldn’t ask for a better role model. I love you so much, thank you Maya, We’ll be cheering you on the day ! Love you, Papa. $269.32
Jun 02 Anonymous This is so beautiful! You got this!! $9.55
Jun 01 Maya Kamath-Patel $6.33