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Help Stephanie raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

Hello everyone!

I am excited to walk in this years race downtown to raise funds for UrbanPromise Toronto to give children and youth in our city the opportunity to hear about Jesus and receive ongoing mentorship and leadership opportunities through daily afterschool and summer day camps. 

Thank you for your consideration to donate towards my goal of 3,000.

In appreciation,


Donate to help Stephanie raise money for 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 24 Bill & Lorraine McBride $500.00
Oct 15 Brian & Sarah King Go Steph!!! Undisclosed amount
Oct 13 Doug S Stephanie, Thank you for your commitment to the mission and ministry of Urban promise! Undisclosed amount
Oct 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 10 Anonymous Keep up the wonderful work! Undisclosed amount
Oct 01 Anonymous $269.32
Oct 01 Anonymous God bless you and UPT for doing such needed serving in Toronto! Undisclosed amount
Sep 30 Anonymous Dear Stephanie, God continue adding His blessing upon you and the Urban Promise Toronto. Praying for a success race. Jer 29:7 (NLV) Undisclosed amount
Sep 27 Liza McBride Go Steph! Undisclosed amount