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Help Kianis raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

Hi, my name is Kianis. I decided I wanted to run a half marathon this year as a personal achievement and then I discovered the Toronto Waterfront Marathon where you can also fundraise, and I came across the Anishnawbe Health Foundation. This foundation helps its clients overcome barriers to health like homelessness, poverty, trauma, abuse, and addiction. Being an indigenous healthcare worker myself, this is something I have become passionate about. I have provided the link for the Anishnawbe Health Foundation’s website as it has information on the traumatic history and the effects it still has on the Indigenous population as well as statistics regarding Toronto's Indigenous population.

Donate to help Kianis raise money for 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 24 Eryn & Nathan <3 $108.31
Jul 23 Anonymous $420.69
Jul 19 Jess & Chase Go Ki go 🫶🏻 $50.00
Jul 19 Anonymous $11.70