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Help Josh raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

Having suffered from severe asthma my entire life, It was drilled in my head at a young age that I would need to abstain from any sort of cardiovascular exercise, as it would only worsen my symptoms. As I got older and bolder, I ventured off into the realm of running, and though things were challenging to start, I quickly realized my lungs were being conditioned and adapting for the better to my new “forbidden” activity. As I racked in the kilometres, my need to take my inhaler - and corticosteroids - severely lessened, all around the board. Today, I continue running as a form of physio for my lungs, mental health, and overall physical well-being, as I document my journey on instagram (@The.Asthma.Runner) for others to follow and be inspired by. My ultimate goal? To show other asthma sufferers that ANYTHING is possible, and limitations set on you should only be your own. 

Donate to help Josh raise money for 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 11 Mark $27.80
Oct 11 Sandy and Lisa Go Josh Go $54.63
Oct 11 Aunt Line $22.43
Oct 09 Anonymous $54.63
Oct 09 Dad Hopefully this help and I hope that others help this great cause. $54.63
Sep 25 Anonymous $54.63