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Help Laura raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

I am SO excited to have the opportunity to raise money for ACR, so we can continue helping Toronto's incredibly special street cats like Mr. Banana.


This charming guy is a perfect example of the important work that ACR does in Toronto. His heavily-pregnant (and identical) mama, Marshmallow, was rescued from a colony as a kitten herself, less than a year old. Rescued along with her were several of her sisters from her litter, all ALSO pregnant, and her own mama cat, Carol, on her second litter of the year.


Once you start doing the math - cats can start getting pregnant at around 5-6 months old, and can have multiple litters in a year. If a litter of kittens ranges from 2-6 babies, and they can start getting pregnant themselves within the same year, the numbers quickly become astronomical!

When ACR's dedicated rescuers assist with these types of situations in the community, they are helping prevent hundreds or thousands of cats from living a hard life on the streets, and we are incredibly grateful.

Kittens like Mr. Banana won't survive for more than a few months out there alone. At only a few months old, he stopped eating entirely. Thanks to ACR's medical coordination team, we were able to access emergency vet care for him, and discovered that his digestive system had stopped functioning properly. But with excellent vet care and a few weeks of yucky medicine, he was back to eating normally! 


But his troubles didn't stop there. Just a few months after this, he walked right up to me with blood pouring out of mouth. After rushing him to the vet once again, we found that he had rapidly developed "the worst case of stomatitis" that the vet had ever seen - as a kitten, less than a year old! With the severity of the inflammation, the decision was made to remove all of his teeth. He ended up keeping his two bottom canines, giving him a quirky and crooked smile that charms everyone he meets to this day.


Thanks to ACR's vet partners and donors, Mr. Banana was able to access the medication and surgery he needed, and he is now thriving. He went from a sad and withdrawn little baby to a spunky, silly, and happy little weirdo.

So many cats that ACR rescues from the street require expensive medical care - particularly dental care. Dental pain in particular can be all-consuming

Toronto's street cats need us - will you help them?






Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 15 Dave R Dalrymple $63.55
Oct 13 Alan Macek and Marianne Premuzic Wishing you a great race day on Sunday and a big thank you for all your hard work! $250.00
Oct 13 Sarah Pinsent The only thing I ever run is late so I am extremely impressed and will cheer you on from my couch! $54.63
Oct 13 Katie McCann Thank you for all that you do! ❤️ $27.80
Sep 12 Sydney Shapansky Run like the wind, team!! $54.63
Sep 05 Ellie Woohoo! Good luck with the run and thanks for all you do to help cats! $54.63