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Help us raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Our story…

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in Canada and worldwide. A big reason for this is the late detection of many lung cancer cases, leading to diagnosis in advanced stages when the cancer is incurable. On top of this, an increasing proportion (up to 15%) of lung cancer cases are occurring in people who have never smoked. Due to lack of suspicion of lung cancer in these patients, they are more likely to be caught in later stages and have poorer clinical outcomes.

A huge step to combat this is to raise awareness of this! Current lung screening programs across Canada exclude never smoker patients completely and it is also underutilized for currently and formerly smoking patients. We want to use this as a chance to loop people into the fact that lung cancer has a high cure rate if detected in early stages.

Let's never say never to the fact that never smoking people cannot get lung cancer, but let's also never say never to the fact that we cannot face this disease head on and improve the outcomes for lung cancer patients! (Thank you for bearing through the double negatives.)

If you have a connection to this cause or would like to support us or have been meaning to sign up for a run, let this be a sign! Hoping to see you out there :)

If you're interested in learning more about lung cancer or Lung Cancer Canada, you can read more here:

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 17 Xiaomei Yao Congratulation to reaching your time goal!!! Running with friends for a good cause is greatly appreciated!!! So proud of you! $108.31
Oct 17 Galen Well done! Congrats! Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 Anonymous $108.31
Oct 16 Edward Cui My running role model! $20.00
Oct 15 Ye Yang Cheer for you $54.63
Oct 15 Olga Tcherniak $54.63
Oct 15 Lalitha Polamreddy $108.31
Oct 15 Haritha Reddy $108.31
Oct 15 Christiane You are amazing Peipei! Cheering you on 💓 Undisclosed amount
Oct 14 Anonymous Amazing! Cheering for you, good luck!! Undisclosed amount