My Story…
In the heartbreaking story of Lisa, Kyle, and Jaxson MacDonald, they experienced the devastating loss of their baby Marco at just 10 days old while he was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). Their journey began when Lisa received distressing ultrasound results at 28 weeks of pregnancy, revealing that Marco had been diagnosed with Hydrops Fetalis, a serious condition involving abnormal fluid accumulation in the baby's body. To make matters worse, Lisa's health also started deteriorating.
The family's ordeal continued as they made several trips to different medical facilities, including the Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto and several appointments and scans at the General Hospital in Ottawa. At 34 weeks, Lisa's water broke, leading to an emergency cesarean. Marco's condition was extremely fragile, prompting his immediate transfer from the General Hospital to CHEO's NICU. Despite a valiant fight for survival, Marco's health remained unstable, and after 10 days of intensive care, he tragically lost his battle.
Lisa, Kyle, and Jaxson express profound gratitude for the care they received from the dedicated professionals at CHEO. In remembrance of Marco and as a way to bring attention to those who have undergone the pain of pregnancy loss, the loss of a child, pregnancy following loss, and infertility in the Ottawa community, the MacDonald family has decided to take part in the upcoming Butterfly Run on October 1. They extend a heartfelt invitation to their loved ones to join them in the walk or to contemplate making a contribution to their fundraising initiative. These efforts are aimed at backing a cause that has profoundly touched their lives forever.
Donate to help Lisa raise money for Butterfly Run Ottawa 2023’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Sep 29 | Sarah Langham | CA$52.83 |
Sep 13 | Jodi Parker | CA$31.70 |
Aug 21 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Aug 21 | Rosalind Muir | CA$52.83 |
Aug 18 | Vanessa W | CA$21.13 |
Aug 17 | Kat LaPlante | CA$26.41 |
Aug 16 | Bobby and Stephanie Ghosh | CA$52.83 |
Aug 14 | Shawna Vaughan | CA$36.98 |
Aug 11 | Amy Furano | CA$52.83 |