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Help Ashley raise money

For participating in Seize the Moment Run 2023

My Story…

As most of you know Ari was diagnosed with retractable Epilepsy at 2 years old.  He has endured far more than any child his age should have to.  But through all the appointments, hospital stays, tests and medications he has developed admirable strength and I couldn't ask for a more perfect son.  All funds that we raise go directly to the Northern California Epilepsy Foundation.  A foundation which I relied heavily on when Ari was first diagnosed.  They offer guidance,  continuing education and information on the latest treatments for difficult cases like Ari's.  Last year we raised a little over $800.00 so we are upping our goal this year! 

Donate to help Ashley raise money for Seize the Moment Run 2023’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 23 Ari’s Seizue Soldiers Way to go Ari $107.35
Mar 21 Anonymous $16.83