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Help Andrea raise money

For participating in Legs for Literacy - presented by Medavie

My Story…

🏃‍♀️📚 Join Me in the Race for Literacy! 🏃‍♂️📚

Hey friends and supporters,

I'm thrilled to announce that I've just registered for MY FIRST half marathon, and I'm not just running for the thrill of it. I'm lacing up my running shoes to make a real difference in the world of literacy!


We often take our ability to read and write for granted, but millions of people around the world still struggle with illiteracy. Literacy is not just about reading books; it's about opening doors to education, opportunities, and empowerment. It's the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, fostering personal growth, and enhancing our communities.


Legs for Literacy - Courir pour Lire is presented by Medavie and is happening in Moncton, NB, on Sunday, October 22. Every step I take in this upcoming half marathon will be in support of local literacy programs. But I need YOUR help to make a real impact.


I'm reaching out to you, my friends, family, and colleagues to ask for your support in this fundraising endeavor. Your generous donations will directly contribute to providing books, resources, and educational programs to those in need.


I truly believe that together we can significantly impact the lives of those who deserve the opportunity to read, learn, and grow. Let's unite in the spirit of generosity and community to support literacy for all.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Your support means the world to me and to those who will benefit from improved literacy. Let's make this half marathon about more than just running; let's make it about changing lives!

With gratitude and excitement, Andrea 🏃‍♂️📚 #legsforliteracy #courirpourlire

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 15 Cecilia $54.72
Oct 13 Anonymous When you start to get tired, hear us cheering 'Go Andrea Go!' Undisclosed amount
Oct 13 Bernice Schneider So proud of you for all the effort you put into great deeds!! Good luck!! $108.45
Oct 13 Mark Trenholm $108.45
Oct 11 Ruth A. What a great effort for Literacy. A worthy cause. Wish you best $27.85
Oct 07 Gail & Ted Good for you Andrea! Your spirit will keep keep you energized throughout this race $50.00
Oct 07 Craig & Allison Trenholm Great work, Andrea. $100.00
Sep 06 Andrea Trenholm $54.72