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Help Sheri raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

This is my third year running Falmouth with the ConfiKids team.  It's been an honor to be a part of such an amazing and inspiring group. This year, I am especially honored that my husband and 16 year old son are joining the cause.  We will be fundraising and running as a family.  

We've been fortunate to be able to enroll our children in the extracurricular activities they were interested in.  Participating in music, theater, art, and sports has been an integral part of their youth. Its where they discovered their interests and talents, learned about the importance of making a commitment, built self confidence, made lasting friendships, learned about good sportmanship, how to overcome challenges, and how to deal with failure.    

We are eager to give back.  Please support our efforts and ConfiKids to ensure that all kids have similar opportunities. 


Founded in 2017, ConfiKids, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that addresses the need for all children, regardless of financial limitations, to enroll in enrichment, recreational, sports, and arts programming. Programs that engage children and teach them a new talent or help to advance their ability in a skill they already possess create an environment for children to form friendships on mutual interests, adds to a child’s well-being on countless levels, and most importantly at our core builds a child’s self-confidence. 

We believe every child should have the opportunity to thrive regardless of the ability to pay for the extracurricular program that suits them. ConfiKids works directly with parents, guardians, educators, coaches, and mentors who apply for children to receive financial support to participate in such activities. Children grades 1-8, residing in Barnstable, Plymouth, Norfolk or Bristol county, who qualify may apply for funding.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 20 Sherrin Gallagher Good luck Sheri! $55.35
Aug 16 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 16 Katie Go get 'em, Sheri! Great cause! $55.35
Aug 15 Deb DiPrete $55.35
Aug 14 the magee family $100.00
Aug 06 Golf Tournament 2023 $700.00
May 19 Christopher Summers $50.00
May 16 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 07 Michael Gilmartin $55.35
Apr 30 O'Connor family You go girl! $50.00