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Help Jack raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Support the mission to save and heal lives through donation!

Thanks for visiting my page!

I am running my 5th Falmouth Road Race in honor of my cousin, Lucas Flint, who had donated 5 organs after a 2018 hit-and-run incident when he was walking home from work.  He had saved 5 lives with his donation.  

Given 5 years without Lucas and 5 organs given, this feels like a special year for Falmouth!

Please consider a donation to my fundraising page for New England Donor Services, so that the legacy of Lucas may live on through others!  


New England Donor Services is the not-for-profit organization serving the region for organ and tissue donation. There are currently 6,500 patients waiting for an organ transplant in New England and countless others will require tissue to heal this year. With approximately half of the population registered donor, it's critical for more people to join the Donor Registry today. Funds are needed to help educate the community about the importance of organ and tissue donation and the need across the community. Give now and show your support!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 05 MathWorks MathWorks company match $750.00
Aug 31 Anonymous $109.85
Aug 21 Suzanne Hagerty O’Brien $55.35
Aug 20 From Jayne and Donny In loving memory of Lucas $55.35
Aug 20 Janet and Garry Wonderful support for such a great organization after a horrible tragedy for your family. Undisclosed amount
Aug 20 Collins Family Good Luck! $28.10
Aug 19 DJ $28.10
Aug 19 Patricia Johnston Go Jack!! $22.65
Aug 18 Mary-Beth Sullivan In memory of Lucas Flint. $17.20
Aug 17 Anonymous Good luck Jack! Great cause for Lucas! $55.35