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Help Joshua raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

I am running the Falmouth Road Race this year to support the Lupus Foundation of New England.  

As a kidney doctor at Commonwealth Nephrology Associates, my partners and I take care of many patients who suffer from the terrible group of conditions collectively known as lupus.  Many of my patients have chronic kidney disease, and some are even on dialysis and/or awaiting kidney transplant. Lupus affects often young females in minority communities (but not always) and these patients often lack the support and healthcare systems to improve their conditions.   And while we have made great strides in treating lupus, the medical community still has a long way to go to conquer this disease.  

Please support me in the Falmouth Road Race so I can continue to offer medical care and hope to my patients with lupus.  Thank you for your donation! 


The mission of the Lupus Foundation is to educate and support people with lupus, promote awareness and fund scientific research that will lead to better treatments and ultimately a cure.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 29 Caroline and Meghan So proud of you Josh!! Way to get after it!!! $109.85
Aug 20 Aunt Sal Mazel Tov, Josh! And yasher koach! May you go from strength to strength. xo $197.05
Aug 20 Love The Croall Family Run like the wind 🏃🏻‍♂️ Undisclosed amount
Aug 20 Jonathan and Kristen Go bud! $273.35
Aug 20 Sarah Love you Josh! $28.10
Aug 19 Jessica Eng Go Josh! $28.10
Aug 19 Waltuck Family Go Josh!! $55.35
Aug 19 Joshua and Jessica Boxer Go Josh!!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 19 Strazzulla Family Have a great run, we’re so proud of you Josh!!! $250.00
Aug 19 Anonymous Good luck, Josh! Undisclosed amount