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Help Nikki raise money

For participating in 5K for Women's Health

My Story…

Can you help our team meet our goal and support diabetes prevention?

Sun Health Foundation’s 4th Annual 5K for Women’s Health celebrates the steps we take to maintain or improve our health. It also supports those we love in achieving the goals they have set for themselves. Investing in the health and wellbeing of our communities benefits us all. Together, we will ensure superior healthcare in our communities today and for future generations.

This year, proceeds will benefit diabetes prevention education through Sun Health Wellness. With each step, you’re not only improving your health, but also the health of the special people in your life and throughout our community.

Donate to help Nikki raise money for 5K for Women's Health’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 05 Anonymous $22.33
Jul 18 Jeremiah LaBrue You got this! $54.45
Jul 17 Anonymous $27.69
Jul 13 Ken & Connie Losee $27.69
Jul 13 Kurt Losee $107.98
Jul 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 13 S Gunnare For Nikki Losee $54.45
Jul 13 Nikki Let's help find a cure for diabetes! $27.69