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Clement J. Zablocki Veterans' Administration Medical Center

Raise money for Clement J. Zablocki Veterans' Administration Medical Center

Thank you for generously supporting the Veterans at the Milwaukee VA Medical Center!

Your contributions help with Veterans' experience and aid in their wellness and recovery.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 31 Ann Bachar $11.50
May 31 Kim Burzynski $25.00
May 30 Anonymous $27.48
May 29 Anonymous $27.48
May 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 26 Anonymous $100.00
May 25 Anonymous Thank you for supporting our Vets Adels! $54.10
May 24 Anonymous $54.10
May 23 Steven Siepert It is truly an honor to donate this money to the veterans who fought to keep our country safe and serving our country proud. Thank You! $11.50
May 13 Anonymous 1/5K. Does that math work out? Not checking it. $107.35