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Help Ashley raise money

For participating in #LightUpMBC Color Fun Run

My Story…

In July 2021, right before my 38th birthday, I got the devastating news: "You have cancer." Originally, my diagnosis was stage 2, and the plan was a lumpectomy, followed by radiation. After several more scans and tests, they discovered it had already metastasized to my liver. Even today, it can still be difficult to process this diagnosis. I was immediately put on targeted therapy plus hormone blockers. In just 3 months, the cancer in my breast, lymph nodes, and liver was gone. However, that didn't last long, and I have since changed treatments twice and recently underwent a targeted radiation treatment for my liver.

The hardest part of having cancer is what goes through your mind - the constant fear of the unknown and always worried about what the cancer is doing and what might happen next. Thanks to my faith, my family and friends, and the various lifestyle changes I have made, I have been able to cope fairly well. Cancer changes you - it changes the way you think and how you live your life. I have a 3 year old son - all I want now is to be here a long time for him, to make memories together, to laugh together, and to love each other.

METAvivor has become so important to me throughout this journey. The treatments I am on saved my life and have enabled me to live a very normal life. More funding, research, and awareness is needed to continue developing these amazing treatments - for all of us. I have met some amazing women with MBC, who have been a huge support system for me. The work METAvivor does for stage 4 metastatic breast cancer thrivers is amazing - we need more research, more treatments, and, hopefully, someday, a cure.

Donate to help Ashley raise money for #LightUpMBC Color Fun Run’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 21 Lindsay Keller I love you Aunt Ashley! $27.23
May 21 Jill Best of luck!❤️ Undisclosed amount
May 20 Danielle Kick Butt Ash! ❤️ $27.23
May 20 Freydlin Family For Ashley Rizzuto and all the other people facing MBC. We love you ❤️ $53.60
May 20 Cecilia Hofmann Wishing you all the best Ashley. $106.35
May 15 Sweet Loo Loos Jim, Lisa, Zach, Claudia, Kit, Noah, & Ayden are with you every step of the way! $211.85
May 05 Sue m $27.23
May 05 Anonymous Go Ash- we love you! You got this!! Love, The Claytons (Kym, Charlie, Jake, Kat, and Rylie) ❤️ Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 Igor $53.60
Apr 27 M.F. Praying… Undisclosed amount