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Help us raise money

For participating in #LightUpMBC Color Fun Run

Our story…

In May 2021 I went for a routine mammogram. I was called back to the office for an ultrasound and then a biopsy. I received a call a few days later saying I had breast cancer. I was shocked to learn about my diagnosis since no one in my family ever had cancer. Thanks to the support of my family and friends I was able to get an appointment at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC. A month later I had a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. After surgery I found out that my lymph nodes and margins were clear, my ONCA score was a 1 and I did not have the BRCA gene. I did 4 weeks of radiation and thought I was going to be cancer free. This was great - I just have to go for mammograms every 6 months along with blood work and I'll be fine. 

Unfortunately, that was not the case. In June 2022, on a routine 6 month oncology appointment, I found out that one of my tumor markers was elevated. After an MRI, PET Scan, liver biopsy and more blood work - I found out that the cancer had spread to my liver, and now I have metastatic breast cancer. To say I was devastated is an understatement. I had several consultations with a liver oncologist and decided to have a liver ablation. According to the Doctor, it would prolong my life. This procedure was the most painful recovery. Months went by with regular blood work, scans and MRI appointments. My oncologist suggested I meet with a gynecological oncologist. My cancer is fueled by estrogen so removing that from my body is critical. A couple of months ago I had a partial hysterectomy. Thankfully, this recovery was easier but going to the hospital and being treated for cancer never gets easier.

 People always say to me, you look fine how do you have stage 4 cancer? I respond, I may look ok from the outside but on the inside my body is fighting a war. Right now this cancer is never ending. I have to deal with the painful side effects daily from all the medications I’m on for my lifetime…or until there is a cure. This is why it is so important to raise money for Metastatic Breast Cancer.



Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is stage 4 breast cancer, for which there is no cure. Globally, more than 685,000 people die each year from MBC, with more than 43,000 dying each year in the U.S. alone (115 per day). Metastatic breast cancer spreads mostly to the bones, liver, lungs, and brain, causing MBC patients to be in treatment for the rest of their lives—with only 22 percent of MBC patients in the U.S. living longer than five years. Approximately 30 percent of early-stage breast cancers recur as stage 4 MBC. While 98 percent of all breast-cancer-related deaths are from MBC, less than 5 percent of overall breast-cancer funding is currently allocated to researching metastatic breast cancer.

METAvivor is the only organization that puts 100 percent of donations toward finding a cure. This is absolutely amazing, and this year METAVivor, through donations and fundraising events such as this, has been able to award over $5.7 million in research grants. We are extremely passionate about raising money for this cause and truly thank you for helping save lives by participating in or fundraising for this event. 

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 19 Melissa Segarich Always on your team. Love you! Undisclosed amount
May 18 Eileen Canning $100.00
May 18 Karen Benyo With Love. $106.35
May 12 Sheila snd Howie Meyer You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know with research they will come up with a way to stop MBC. Keep fighting ! You got this!!! Undisclosed amount
May 12 Parizman family $106.35
May 12 Trudy Buchine Praying for a cure for this awful disease. $27.23
May 10 Michele Caruso & Family You are a warrior and I am on team Stacey! I am so proud of your positivity and tenacity! $142.00
May 09 Adrienne Pear Hopfer Wishing you a continued fight for life! We must win this war! $38.83
May 08 Marisa Knopf Rosenthal Sending love and strength...Stage IV needs more! $53.60
May 08 Sheila & Warren Herman Stacey, I know your a winner because you are a fighter. Undisclosed amount