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Help Candace raise money

For participating in 16th Annual Atlanta HBCU 5K Run/Walk

My Story…

For students attending historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), scholarships, internships, and fellowships can make higher education more affordable. HBCU scholarships and grants can supplement federal financial aid to help students fund their degrees and, ultimately, launch their careers.

While the majority of college students need financial aid to afford college, HBCU scholarships recognize the merit and potential of Black students with unique financial considerations. 

Please join me in raising scholarship funds to support our future HBCU graduates and industry leaders.

Donate to help Candace raise money for 16th Annual Atlanta HBCU 5K Run/Walk’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 14 Georgia Powell Go Candace $107.35
Apr 13 The Barrett Family $107.35