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Help Diana raise money

For participating in Rock the Ride Napa, CA

My Story…

Today, gun violence is the #1 cause of children's deaths in the U.S. !!! Learning about this, and then seeing the shooting at Uvalde last year, something switched on in me that I couldn't switch off.  My drive for activism, dormant since I became a middle-aged working mom, came roaring back, telling me I had to get moving.  I knew it was a matter of time before I heard about a shooting in my community and I knew that I could not just stand by and let that happen.  Moms Demand Action is an amazing organization that is giving the NRA a run for their money.  It is not anti-guns (a very smart strategy), but it is for safe and regulated gun use with the goal to prevent gun violence.  It does such things as train gun owners how to safely store guns, lobbies for legislation that requires background checks and certain restrictions on where and when you can carry a concealed weapon, and so on.  It is an incredibly effective organization that is making me feel that I'm at least doing something about the modern day plague of mass shootings and gun violence.  Please read about it, join the movement, or just pledge!

Donate to help Diana raise money for Rock the Ride Napa, CA’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 27 Anonymous $54.10
Jun 23 Margarita Wear Thank you for the opportunity to support this incredibly important cause. I have no doubt you’ll rock the ride! $107.35
Jun 23 Cricket and Charlie We are big supporters of Everytown and Moms Demand Action. Thanks for your hard work! $107.35
Jun 21 Rose-Ellen Fairgrieve Thanks for the opportunity to support this important cause! Have a great ride! $54.10
Jun 21 Christopher J Waters and Melissa L Wardlaw $1,000.00
Jun 13 Andrea Kelly Smethurst Law, P.C. Diana, good luck with the ride and with your fundraising efforts for this great cause. Thank you for doing this. $54.10
Jun 13 Susan Sullivan Thank you for your leadership, Diana. You are the most rockin' mom and woman. I love you. xo $107.35
Jun 12 Lynn Ganz You Rock and Ride Diana. Thank you for raising awareness for this vital cause. Love, Lynn $267.10
Jun 12 Anonymous $250.00
Jun 12 Katie Burke Diana, thank you for the chance to support this cause and your ride. Hard to imagine anything more worthy of your efforts and our funds. $107.35