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Help John raise money

For participating in RAV Virtual Team Challenge 2023

My Story…

Taking steps to end family violence. 

Thank you so much for backing me and supporting this great cause. Knowing I've got your support will make all the difference in clocking up the kilometers. 

I will personally be running 200km over 19 days (10.5km per day) to raise funds for Run Against Violence and its charity partners. 

My personal fundraising target is $500 and my team's goal is $2000. Thanks in advance for your generosity and backing such an important cause. 


Help give young Australians access to healthy relationship education.

During the 2023 RAV Virtual Team Challenge, 100% of donations made via registration and fundraising pages will go directly to NAPCAN and the Love Bites program

During the past 3 years, Run Against Violence has donated $290,000 to the Love Bites program making RAV the largest Australian non-government investor in the program's history.

We are on a mission to ensure every teenager in Australia can learn about what healthy relationships look like for them.

Donations through this page are tax-deductible.