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Help Talia raise money

For participating in RAV Virtual Team Challenge 2023

My Story…

This year, I have been asked to participate in Run Against Violence that will run from the 30th of August until the 17th of September. The goal is for teams of up to 20 people to complete the 1300km course within 19 days while being able to spread awareness of Domestic Violence in Australia.

Why do I believe this is so important?

Australian studies have shown the 1 in 6 females are in a domestic relationship and 1 in 16 males are. This year I am running for one of my closest friends who is one of the strongest and most inspiring women I have met. 15 years of Domestic Violence and 6 kids later, they are out safely and are passionate about bringing conversation to the topic. This family have become extended family to me and watching these children grow into such independent, strong, creative and funny personalities is an inspiration knowing what they have already witnessed so young in their lives. I will never be able to show how proud I am of them, so hopefully by being a part of this team we can help shed light on how common DV is and how important awareness is. 


Help give young Australians access to healthy relationship education.

During the 2023 RAV Virtual Team Challenge, 100% of donations made via registration and fundraising pages will go directly to NAPCAN and the Love Bites program

During the past 3 years, Run Against Violence has donated $290,000 to the Love Bites program making RAV the largest Australian non-government investor in the program's history.

We are on a mission to ensure every teenager in Australia can learn about what healthy relationships look like for them.

Donations through this page are tax-deductible.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 28 Akala $21.98
Aug 26 Anonymous $105.50