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Help Kristyn raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - Winston-Salem 2023

My Story…

-        Did you know migraine headaches impact over 1 billion people worldwide

-       Did you know that migraine is one of the top three causes of disability in patients under the age of 50?

-       Did you know that the average wait time to be seen in our Headache Clinic is 6 months – in part because there are so few Headache specialists state- and nationwide?

It is staggering to realize that so many people live with invisible pain. My personal experience with migraine headaches played a significant role in the decision to treat others with headaches. My migraine journey started at 10 years old. Over many years my headaches evolved from infrequent attacks to daily, constant headaches. There were many points that I felt defeated by my pain and struggled to imagine living decades more with my pain. Fast forward. My amazing headache physician at AHWFB has worked with me to develop therapeutic strategies that include a combination of lifestyle changes (e,g, no caffeine, limited alcohol, routine exercise), medications, procedures, and electrical stimulation devices.  Today my headaches are the most well-controlled that they have been in years, and I am absolutely thrilled to work alongside my Headache patients in their pursuit of wellness and healing. 

 There are some days that the busy Headache Clinic and deluge of messages from patients desperate for pain relief is exhausting. Recently, during one of these difficult days, I felt the Lord shift my perspective. I realized that this small form of “compassion fatigue” (a form of burnout that arises from persistent compassionate physician care that can be manipulated by patients) is only a small fraction of what Jesus must have experienced during his brief time on earth as our Great Physician. He was constantly pursued by thousands seeking healing from pain. I think about how much compassion, kindness, and patience He must have had (and has) for this sort of never-ending “Clinic” He was operating (and operates). 

 Every year, our Comprehensive Headache Program partners with national non-profit Miles for Migraine to increase awareness of migraine and other headache disorders and to improve the well-being of our patients and of our team. Any funds raised directly support our team’s education, teaching, advocacy, and clinical research --& make working so much more fun & inspiring! Since 2019, our Headache Team has raised over $70,000 to support our endeavors. Examples of ways these funds are being used include supporting:

1. My own research on macromastia (enlarged breasts) and headache — I am the only neurologist in the country dedicated to targeting this important women’s health issue. I will be presenting my work at the International Headache Congress in Seoul, Korea in September!

2. A Temple University medical student’s summer research internship (who previously worked on our research team as an undergraduate!)—helping build the pipeline in Headache Medicine!

3. Our team members’ online mindfulness courses to enhance mindfulness in their lives & careers

4. Our team’s educational learning through attendance at key conferences in the field such as Southern Headache Society & American Headache Society, instigating inspiration and joy in medicine in this post-pandemic period (when otherwise morale is low and people in healthcare are exhausted). 

 You can help us on this journey! Think of all the people you know with migraine—or even yourself. You are helping ALL those with migraine through support of this event. 

 And--our Winston-Salem Miles for Migraine event is the only one in North Carolina! 

Thank you for your support and generosity!


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 09 Anonymous $26.50
Sep 09 Anonymous $26.50
Sep 09 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 09 The Egan Family $200.00
Sep 09 Anonymous Grateful for the tremendous effort to mitigate migraines Undisclosed amount
Sep 09 Sherri Dill Thanks for doing this research! $53.00
Sep 09 Nathan and Julie Hatch $106.00
Sep 09 Morgan and Dave Antonell Undisclosed amount
Sep 09 The Armenio’s Great cause! Good luck with the run. $50.00
Sep 08 Dave & Morgan Antonell Undisclosed amount